
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.

Admissions & Aid

We want you to be at Lake Region State College! Let us be your first choice! Choose a place where you change your life and transform your future. 

At LRSC you will experience:

  • More interaction with faculty and classmates
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Hands-on experience
  • Scholarships
  • Campus Involvement

We want you to find out as much as possible about LRSC.

Enjoy classes face-to-face or online. We can't wait to see you here soon for a visit. There are many resources for you to the right or if you are ready, start your application today!

Please reach out to us if you have any questions. For more information, please contact our admissions team.

LRSC Visits -- on-site or Virtual Tour! 

Virtual Visits are a great alternative to an in-person visit. You can experience life at LRSC from the comfort of your home (or wherever you may be)! Prospective students may choose this option if they have travel or time restraints.​​​​​


Andy Wakeford
Admission/Retention Director