
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.

Title IX Resources

If you need emotional support or guidance, you may choose to speak with one of the confidential resources. Confidential resources can provide victims with information about support services and their options. Because of the confidential nature of these resources, disclosing information to or seeking advice from a confidential resource does not constitute a report or complaint to the college.

LRSC Title IX Coordinators

The Title IX Coordinators are charged with the responsibility of ensuring our campus compliance with federal, state, and campus Title IX and non-discrimination regulations. This includes the development, implementation, and monitoring of meaningful efforts to comply with regulations, prevent discrimination, and stop, remediate, and prevent the recurrence of any reported discrimination.

Sandi Lillehaugen
Title IX Coordinator
Human Resources Manager
Main Campus – Office 120
Phone: (701) 662-1543


Brandi Nelson
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Student Services – Office 044
Phone: (701) 662-1509

Resources and links

Bystander Intervention Tips
Bystander Intervention Guide
Sex Without Consent isn’t sex. It’s rape.


Know Your 9

What is Title IX?

Learn about the law

Help a Friend

How can you help

Title IX Resources

Learn who can help