
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.

Campus and Covid

Students, faculty, and staff who do test positive for COVID-19 can self-report to the LRSC HR Department through the COVID Self-Reporting Form.

Influenza/COVID/other communicable illness:

As most of you are aware, flu season begins to increase in October and November and traditionally peaks in February.  

Lake Region State College wants to be proactive in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.  We encourage all faculty and staff to adopt best practices for protecting coworkers, students, and visitors to reduce the transmission of communicable diseases in the workplace (whether it is the flu, COVID, or another virus).  

It is critical that employees not report to work while they are experiencing respiratory symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Employees should remain at home until they are fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, the employee's symptoms have improved, and at least five (5) days have passed since the symptoms first appeared.  These are the same recommendations in place for someone who tests positive for Influenza and COVID.  

Employees who are ill but are scheduled for an important meeting should attend via technology or send another team member to attend in their place if remote attendance is not possible.  Many times, with the best of intentions, employees report to work even when they are ill. While we appreciate the dedication, please consider the consequences of coming into the workplace and transmitting your illness to others.  Most employees have paid sick time to ensure compensation continues when you are unable to work due to illness.  

Faculty, staff, and students can also take home a free COVID home test to have on hand in the event you become a close contact or have symptoms consistent with COVID.  They are free and available from Jen at the Information Window.  While we are not implementing close contact restrictions, we are asking all employees to make responsible choices regarding this important issue.      

If you have any questions about what you should or shouldn’t do if you may have the flu, COVID, or are in the same home with someone who does, please contact LRSC Human Resources at (701) 662-1543 or