
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.

Institutional Research & Effectiveness

The Director of Academic Affairs is responsible for the collection, management, analyses, and archiving of information in support of decision-making, planning, and reporting. For more information contact Jade Erickstad, Director Academic Affairs, at 701-662-1553 or

Student Outcomes Using a variety of national, regional, and system models, student outcomes showcase completion, graduation, placement, and other reported data.

Institutional Data includes our Quick Data report (enrollment, student demographic, credits generated, graduation, and completion rates). The enrollment cards issues after each semester's official census also are housed here.

Accreditation addresses any reports regarding bodies that certify LRSC and/or its specific programs. Reports that update the HLC on organizational health are housed here along with certification and licensure reports.

Strategic Planning houses campus planning processes and reports.