
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.

Disability Support Services

Our Mission

To provide equal access to educational programs and services for students with disabilities.

Requesting Accommodations

Disability Services Form

Students who plan to use accommodations must meet with the Disability Services Coordinator to set up an accommodations plan. In some cases, certain accommodations may not be immediately available. Therefore, it is recommended that students meet with Disability Support Services before the start of each semester to ensure they can receive accommodations starting on their first day of class.

Accommodations will be determined by the Disability Services Coordinator based on the information in the student’s documentation and consultation with the student. Lake Region State College follows the Guidelines for Disability Documentation set up by the North Dakota Disability Services Council.


Documentation should include:

  1. A clear statement that describes how the condition was diagnosed or information on the functional impact. Dates of the original and current diagnostic evaluations need to be included.

  2. A description of the diagnostic methodology, criteria, evaluation methods, procedures, tests used, dates administered, clinical narrative, observations, and specific results that are congruent with the particular disability.
    • Documentation for learning disabilities must include test scores and interpretation of aptitude, achievement, and when possible, information processing. Tests used should be current and appropriate for assessing adolescents and adults.
  3. A description of the current functional limitations and how those limitations affect the student in major life activity. A "functional limitation" is defined as adverse effects on a major life activity caused by the disability. Functional limitations should be described in terms of how severely the activity is affected by the disability; the frequency with which the activity is affected and how pervasive the disability is in the performance of the major life activity.
  4. A description of current and past accommodations, services, and/or medications and their effectiveness concerning the functional impact of the disability. Information about any significant side effects from current treatment or medication and its effect on physical, perceptual, behavioral, and cognitive performance is helpful.
  5. A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability including the expected changes over time, information on the cyclical or episodic nature of the disability, and any known suspected environmental triggers.
  6. The credentials of the evaluator/provider that are relevant to the diagnosed disability. The professional should be licensed or otherwise properly credentialed, have appropriate and comprehensive training, and relevant experience, and have no personal relationship with the individual being evaluated or diagnosed.

Adopted: April 2001
Revised and approved by LRSC Council: October 2006

Counselor/Disabilities Coordinator

Jessica Dimitch  |  |  701-662-1546  |  800-443-1313 ext. 21546