
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.


Q: What is the Community College Foundation (CCF)?
A: A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that accepts gifts that benefit Lake Region State College and its students.

Q: Who are members of CCF?
A: All who make gifts, whether large or small...alumni, employees, friends, and others who have an interest in success for LRSC and its students. They live in Devils Lake and other communities near and far. They are community elders, proud graduates, and parents of graduates. They support Royals athletics. They love arts and entertainment in the Lake Region. Some create a legacy for family or business or make lasting memorials to loved ones. Anyone can make a gift and become a member of the CCF.

Q: What kind of gifts does the CCF receive?
A: The CCF receives various donations ranging in size from $10 to $10,000 or more. Gifts can be memorials, or others support specific projects, and some are unrestricted donations. Donors may also give stock or pledge support through a will.

Q: How are these gifts used?
A: A significant portion of these gifts is allocated to scholarships, enabling the college to award over $425,000 in scholarships annually, making a college education more achievable for students.

Support for college programming is another vital aspect, ensuring LRSC students receive top-notch instruction with cutting-edge technology and techniques.

Additionally, some gifts are designated for projects. The Paul Hoghaug Library, Robert Fawcett Auditorium, Leevers Welcome Center, and the recently completed Bergstrom Technical Center are outcomes of targeted CCF capital campaigns.

Q: Who directs the CCF?
A: The CCF is directed by a board of twenty-seven community members, each serving three-year terms. They meet monthly to oversee operations.

The dedicated board of directors continuously seeks support for the college and its students, benefiting the LRSC community. With their help, LRSC opens doors to bright futures for students, making a profound impact on their lives!

Q: What are CCF activities?
A: The Community College Foundation actively supports Lake Region State College and its students through various activities, including an annual fund-raising campaign called Keys to Opportunities, beginning July 1st. The annual Key Event in the fall is the region‘s biggest party. The 2022 Key Event, raised more than $100,000. Special events throughout the year recognize generous donors supporting scholarships and instructional programs. 

The work of the foundation's board of directors never ends as they seek support for the college and its students throughout the year. Lake Region State College, its students, faculty, staff, and administration are fortunate to have the Community College Foundation providing such valuable support for many different facets of college operations. LRSC is opening doors to bright futures for students. Together we are changing lives!