e-Checkup Survey

The e-Checkup To Go is an interactive web survey that allows LRSC students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of alcohol. The assessment takes about 6-7 minutes to complete, is self-guided, and requires no face-to-face contact time with a counselor or administrator. 

When you access the e-Checkup Survey, you are prompted to enter information about yourself. In addition to demographic information, it will ask you to enter information about your drinking habits, family history, and to complete the World Health Organization AUDIT.

Anonymous Analysis
Enter your information and submit the form so it can be validated. processed, and calculated. Responses are compared to national and local college norms. Then, personalized feedback is displayed.

You will not be asked, at any time, to enter your name or any other identifying information.
All the information you enter is completely anonymous and will only be able to be viewed by you.
Information you provide will not affect your standing at this college.

You may be required to show proof of completing the survey, such as a screenshot, because school officials will NOT have access to your individual answers that you input during the assessment section of the e-Checkup survey.