Section 1400: Internal and Affiliated External Organizations

The President shall have the power to authorize formulation and recognition of internal College organizations, and external organizations affiliated to Lake Region State College, provided such association/organizations are engaged in activities that shall either further the educational mission of the College or provide tangible benefits to the College. The College currently recognizes the following organizations:

  1. Lake Region State College Faculty Senate
    The Lake Region State College Faculty Senate constitution shall be approved by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education (DUS) in accordance with the provisions in the Board Policy Manual. All affiliated organizations shall operate within the guidelines prescribed by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education and within state and federal laws, wherever possible. The current constitution of the said Senate shall form a part of the Manual. See Chapter 1400.02.
  2. Lake Region state College Student Senate
    The current bylaws of the Lake Region State College Student Senate shall form a part of this Manual. Current bylaws and constitutions of the student clubs or organizations recognized by the Student Senate are available in the Student Affairs Office (See Chapter 1400.03).
  3. Residence Hall Association
    The current bylaws of the Residence Hall Association shall form an apart of this Manual. (See Chapter (1400.04)


The faculty of Lake Region State College has created this constitution for the purpose of establishing an orderly process whereby academic-related groups and individuals may share in the determination of educational policy. The faculty of Lake Region State College has the responsibility to express its concern for the welfare of the College, to discuss and develop ideas for College improvement, to contribute to the formation of general College policy and to provide for reliable channels of communication among all segments of the College community. To this end, the Faculty Senate accepts the responsibility of recommending policies to the President of the College affecting the educational activities of the College, subject to the laws of the Dakota University System of Higher Education. To fulfill its functions, the Faculty Senate will be free to study, to deliberate and to make recommendations on all matters of general faculty concern.

Article I.    Name
The agency for the exercise of responsibilities as herein describes shall be known as the Lake Region State College Faculty Senate.

Article II.    Purpose
Section A:    General Purpose
The general purpose of the Faculty Senate in the organizational structure of Lake Region State College is to facilitate and coordinate faculty participation in the development and recommendation of educational policies and in the formulation of procedures for their implantation. Such policies shape the responsibility character of the Institution and define its future growth.

Section B:    Specific Purpose
To provide for this continuing concern and policy review, it is the purpose of the Faculty Senate to:

  1. Provide a forum for discussion of issues, problems, and concerns relating to instruction in the College.
  2. Promote a means to communicate between the College administration and the faculty.
  3. Make decisions of educational and institutional policies as empowered by the North Dakota University of Higher Education.
  4. Elect faculty representation to NDUS boards, Councils, etc… in accordance with the NDUS Policy Manual.
  5. Elect faculty members to ad hoc committees and faculty representation to all College standing committees.
  6. Hear standing committee reports, and take action as necessary.

Article III.    Membership
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Director of TRiO Support Services, faculty receiving annual faculty contracts of at least .5 teaching load, a faculty representative from the Grand Forks Air Force Base (GFAFB) as designated by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and such other members as approved by the Faculty Senate.

Article IV.    Meetings
The Faculty Senate shall meet monthly during the academic year. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or at the request of any standing committee. A quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members. An agenda will be provided to all members as stipulated in Article V, Section A.4. If requested by any member, voting shall be by secret ballot.

Article V.    Organization of the Faculty Senate
Section A:    Officers

  1. The elected officers of the Faculty Senate shall be a President, a Vice President, and a secretary. The Vice President will be considered the President-elect. Nominations for the officers will take place in April, with elections at the May meeting. Terms of office will be one (1) year, with the term of office beginning July 1. Vacancies among the officers will be filled by election at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.
  2. The President will be the presiding officer of the Faculty Senate and of its Executive Committee and otherwise act as the chief executive office of the Faculty Senate.
  3. The Vice President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall serve as assistant to the President and carry out duties the President may deem necessary.
  4. The secretary will prepare the minutes of the Faculty Senate and the Executive Committee meetings and distribute them to all members no later than seven (7) days following a meeting. The secretary will distribute a written agenda to all members of the Faculty Senate and one (1) class day in advance of a special meeting.

Section B:    Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee will consist of the officers of the Faculty Senate.
  2. The following duties will be the specific responsibilities of the Executive Committee:
    1. Serve as the advisory group of the Faculty Senate when called upon by an officer of the administration.
    2. Refer to the appropriate committee any question of policy on which advice is sought.
    3. Bring matters recommended by the Faculty Senate to the attention of the appropriate administrative officer for action, and report to the Faculty Senate the action taken.
    4. Take such emergency action as appropriate to meet responsibilities of the Faculty Senate. Such action is to be presented at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.
    5. Refer such matters as are approved by the Faculty Senate for study to appropriate committees or agencies.
    6. Prepare the agenda for meetings of the Faculty Senate.
    7. Insure that nominations and elections are carried out as specified.
    8. Appoint a parliamentarian, if appropriate.

Section C:    Standing Committees

  1. The Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate shall be:
    1. Curriculum and Academic Standards
    2. Professional Growth
    3. Faculty Rights
    4. Nominations
    5. Learning Commons Media
    6. Faculty Welfare
    7. Tenure
    8. Outreach Learning Committee
  2. The General Committee Guidelines are:
    1. The standing committees shall be in continuous operation. The term of office for faculty members is two (2) years, beginning July 1. No member shall serve on more than two (2) standing committees at any time.
    2. Faculty representation to all committees included in this document will be nominated by the Nominations Committee at the April meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Elections will be held at the May meeting.
    3. Any non-Faculty Senate member nominated by the President and confirmed by the Faculty Senate has voting privileges within that standing committee.
    4. The chairperson is to be elected from among the members. The chairperson shall appoint an individual to serve as secretary of the committee. The secretary shall record the proceedings and circulate minutes to the committee members, the President, the Administrative Council, and all members of the Faculty Senate.
    5. The decisions of the President regarding any committee recommendation on issues or courses of action will be forwarded to the committee chairperson. The turn-around time for this process shall not exceed ten (10) class days from the time of the initial committee recommendation to the President. If the President disapproves of such committee recommendation, and the issue cannot be mutually resolved, the issue shall be presented to the full Faculty Senate for their consideration. If approval is maintained by the Faculty Senate, an appeal may be made in accordance with NDUS Policy.
    6. Committees shall meet monthly. Special meetings may be called by the committee chairperson, three (3) members of the committee, or the President. Notices to all meetings must be given at least one (1) class day in advance of the meeting.
    7. Faculty Senate members are invited to submit, in writing, proposals to the appropriate faculty committee.
    8. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members.
    9. All student representation shall be elected by the Student Senate and confirmed by the Faculty Senate for one (1) year terms. The Student Senate will submit to the Faculty Senate Nominations Committee by the end of April the names of all students elected to serve on the Faculty Senate committees for the following school year.
    10. Initial faculty members of committees shall choose staggered terms by lot. Faculty representation on any standing committee shall be limited to two (2) consecutive terms unless elected unanimously for a further term. Committee vacancies may be temporarily filled by committee chairperson appointment. Permanent election to fill the vacancy will be held at the next regular Faculty Senate meeting.
    11. Each standing committee shall have the right to consider areas of concern not specifically listed as a function which logically falls under its jurisdiction.
    12. Such other committees, standing or special, may be created by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Faculty Senate if deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Faculty Senate. Membership of such committees shall initially be appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Senate. Such committees shall in other ways be subject to the General Committee Guidelines.

Section D:    Specific Committee Guidelines

  1. Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee
    1. Membership: Two administrators nominated by the President and confirmed by the Faculty Senate; five (5) faculty members of the Faculty Senate; one non-Faculty Senate member representing the Grand Forks AFB campus nominated by the President and confirmed by the Faculty Senate; and two (2) student representatives.
    2. Functions:
      1. To review, establish and recommend standards for student academic achievement, including such areas as probation, suspension, and re-admission for academic reasons; grading policies and practices; and policies on admission and retention.
      2. To review, establish and recommend changes in vocational, transfer, community education, and adult basic skills programs, including such areas as general education requirements, program changes, academic calendar, graduation requirements, and instructional policies and procedures.
      3. To explore and evaluate other curriculum and instructional issues.
      4. To hear and act upon specific academic appeals.
  2. Professional Growth Committee
    1. Membership: One administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the Faculty Senate, four faculty members nominated and confirmed by the Faculty Senate, and a non-voting secretary nominated by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and confirmed by the Faculty Senate.
    2. Functions:
      1. To plan, develop and implement a faculty development program.
      2. To implement in-service programs and/or faculty developmental leaves aimed at improvement of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
      3. To design and recommend faculty and program evaluation systems, including recommendations for promotion and tenure.
      4. To make recommendations on any faculty development funds.
  3. Faculty Rights Committee
    1. Membership: The Standing Committee on Faculty Rights shall consist of three tenured faculty members elected for staggered terms by the Faculty Senate.
    2. Functions: The functions and responsibilities of this committee are outlined in the North Dakota University System of Higher Education Regulations on the Academic Freedom, Tenure, and Due Process (See Section 605, NDUS Policy Manual) (See Section 605.2, Faculty Rights Committee) In broad terms, this committee has specified responsibilities in the areas of academic freedom, tenure, and due process.
  4. Nominations Committee
    1. Membership: Four faculty members of the Faculty Senate.
    2. Functions: To nominate faculty members for election to all Faculty Senate committees and to all other committees to which Faculty Senate representation is entitled.
  5. Learning Commons Media Committee
    1. Membership: One (1) administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the Faculty Senate; three (3) faculty members of the Faculty Senate; two (2) student representatives and librarian (non-voting, ex-officio).
    2. Functions:
      1. To serve as a liaison between the library, media services, faculty, students, and College Administration.
      2. To assist in the formulation of the library policies of instructional resources (library curriculum materials and audio-visual service).
      3. To promote interest in the development of use of the library and to promote effective use of materials for audio-visual service.
      4. To advise the librarian in the allocation of funds for acquisition of materials and equipment.
      5. To recommend policies regarding operation of the library and media center.
  6. Faculty Welfare Committee
    1. Membership: One administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the Faculty Senate and four Faculty Senate members.
    2. Functions:
      1. To review and prepare basic guidelines and recommendations on instructional salary policy, teaching load, and working conditions to the President, following the North Dakota University System of Higher Education guidelines.
      2. To function as an advisory body to the President in preparation of instructional budgets and payroll
      3. To act in an advisory capacity to any persons representing Lake Region State College on an inter-institutional faculty budgetary, salary, or welfare matter.
  7. Tenure Committee
    1. Membership: Five members of the Faculty Senate with tenure status, each member elected for a five-year term.
    2. Functions:
      1. The Tenure Committee shall elect its own chairperson and secretary annually.
      2. Following procedures outlined under “Institutional Tenure Guidelines” of the Lake Region State College Policy and Procedure Manual, the Tenure Committee shall approve or disapprove the granting of the tenure to eligible faculty by majority vote or the Committee. Such decisions by the Committee are to be made in ample time for action by the Board of Higher Education in the spring of each year.
      3. The Tenure Committee shall propose changes to “Institutional Tenure Guidelines” in the Policy and Procedure Manual.
      4. Following procedures outlined under “Faculty Rank/Promotions” of the Lake Region State College Policy and Procedure Manual, the Tenure Committee shall approve or disapprove the granting of rank to eligible faculty by a majority vote of the Committee.
  8. Outreach Learning Committee
    1. Membership: One administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the Faculty Senate and four faculty members of the Faculty Senate and the Distance Education Director (ex-officio).
    2. Functions:
      1. To explore and evaluate other outreach (dual credit, on-line and distance education) curriculum and instructional issues.
      2. Review, develop, and recommend compatibility between outreach and on-campus salary and benefits policies, teaching load and working conditions to the President, following North Dakota University System of Higher Education guidelines.
      3. Review, develop, and recommend compatibility between outreach and on-campus instruction.

Article VI.    Amendments
The proposed amendments(s) must be presented in written form to the members of the Faculty Senate at a regular meeting and voted on at the next regular meeting. Approval requires a two-thirds favorable vote of the members present and voting. When approved by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education, amendments will become effective immediately.

Article VII.    Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current editions of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and any specific rules of order that may be adopted.


Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section C, 2, i) 04/09/09
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 1, a) 04/24/00
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 2, b) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 4, a) 12/16/08
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 7) 05/01/01
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 3, a) 03/10/14
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 5, a) 05/10/23


We, the students of Lake Region State College, in order to establish a representative system of self-government, to ensure students of an effective role in University government, to encourage the development of leaders and participants for the community and the State of North Dakota, to stimulate an awareness of the rights and responsibilities of students in relation to the community and the world, to improve students cultural, social and physical welfare, and to promote the general welfare of this institution, do herby ordain and establish this constitution for Lake Region State College.

Article I.    Organization
Name: The name of this organization shall be the Student Senate of Lake Region State College.
Membership: Shall consist of students that are interested or registered in Student Government.
Equal Opportunity Policy: The Lake Region State College Student Senate, in its programs, activities and appointments with not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, creed, national origin, sex, sexual preference, age, disability or marital status.

Article II.    Executive Officers
Section A:    Membership

  1. The executive officers of the Student Senate shall be:
    1. Student Senate President
    2. Student Senate Vice President
    3. Student Senate Secretary
    4. Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian
    5. Student Senate Activities Coordinator

Section B:    Qualifications
No student may be considered eligible for the fore-mentioned offices unless he/she is a sophomore with at least a 2.0 grade point average at Lake Region State College.
Section C:    Powers and Duties:

  1. Student Senate President:
    1. The Student Senate President shall be the official representative of the general Student Body and the Student Senate.
    2. The Student Senate President shall be the representative to the Faculty Senate.
    3. The Student Senate President shall serve as an ex-officio member on all Student Senate Committees, and shall be able to vote in the case of a tie.
    4. The Student Senate President shall serve as the administrative head of the Student Senate, voting only in case of a tie.
      1. The Student Senate President shall have the power of executive veto over all actions of the Student Senate a two-thirds majority vote of the total membership of the Student Senate shall be necessary to override a Presidential veto.
      2. The Student Senate President shall be responsible for the fiscal planning and the yearly budget for the Student Senate.
      3. The Student Senate President shall be authorized to call a special session of the Student Senate with at least one-third of the total membership present and with one (1) week prior notice.
  2. Student Senate Vice President:
    1. The Student Senate Vice President shall assist the Student Senate President in the performance if his/her duties.
    2. The Student Senate Vice President shall be the chair in all committees excluding activities committees.
    3. The Student Senate Vice President shall set the agenda for the Student Government meetings. Communication will be up-held with the Student Senate President and Student Senate Secretary for agenda items.
    4. The Student Senate Vice President shall serve as the chairperson of the Student Senate, in case of the President’s absence, voting only in case of a tie.
  3. Student Senate Secretary:
    1. The Student Senate Secretary shall maintain accurate records of all meetings of the Executive Board and the Student Senate.
    2. The Student Senate Secretary shall call and record roll at every scheduled meeting.
    3. The Student Senate Secretary shall maintain a current roster of the officers and the senators with addresses and telephone numbers.
    4. The Student Senate Secretary shall prepare all official correspondence for the Student Senate.
    5. The Student Senate Secretary shall post a copy of the Student Senate minutes within one week of which the minutes reflect on the Lake Region State College website. A copy of the minutes shall also be filed in the Student Senate Office.
    6. The Student Senate Secretary Shall keep clubs informed of the Student Senate activities and notify the Student Senate of club activities.
    7. Club Point System
      1. The Student Senate Secretary shall establish a club point system. The Student Senate, with a simple majority vote, will approve this point system.
      2. The Student Senate Secretary shall keep documented records of club points.
      3. The Student Senate Secretary shall approve points for club activities within the guidelines of the point system.
      4. The Student Senate Secretary shall approve points for the club activities within the guidelines of the point system.
    8. The Student Senate Secretary shall coordinate and regulate the activities of the Student Body Organizations for the benefit of the entire Student Body.
      1. The Student Senate Secretary shall serve as the chairperson of the Student Senate, in case of the Vice President’s absence, voting only in case of a tie.
  4. Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian:
    1. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian shall maintain a current account of the Student Senate account.
    2. The Student Senate Treasurer shall be the chair of Campus Activities Board.
    3. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian has the power to consider any act unconstitutional and/or against the by-laws.
    4. Any and all petitions to previous actions or motions by the Student Senate shall be handed to the Treasurer/Parliamentarian, two (2) weeks after it has taken place, excluding impeachment of the officers.
    5. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian is required to know “Roberts Rules of Order” and is able to use it in meetings.
    6. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian shall serve as the chairperson of the Student Senate, in case of the Secretaries absence, voting only in case of a tie.
  5. Student Senate Activities Coordinator:
    1. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall serve as chair of all activity committees and as chair of the Host committee.
    2. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall approve activity committee members.
    3. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall approve any contracts with entertainers with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Student Senate.
    4. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall attend all activities.
    5. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall communicate with the Lower Deck Manager and the Intramurals Manager.
    6. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall work with other colleges for co-op booking entertainers.
    7. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall communicate with all agents.
  6. Student Senate Association Advisor:
    1. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall appoint either a member of the college faculty or Student Affairs personnel to the position of “Advisor to the Student Senate Association”.
    2. The Student Senate Advisor shall have the right to attend all Student Senate Association meetings as a non-voting member and to participate in the proceedings.
    3. All expenditures of the student activity fees shall require the prior approval of the Student Senate Advisor.
    4. The Student Senate Advisor shall serve as an ex-officio member on all Student Senate Committees.

Succession: In the event that the Student Senate President Office is vacated, the Student Senate Vice President shall assume the duties of the Student Senate President. The Student Senate, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the current membership, shall choose a Senator from its membership to assume the duties of the Student Senate Vice President until the next scheduled Student Senate election.

Article III.    Student Senate
Section A:    Purpose

  1. To provide the means whereby the members of the Student Body may express concerns effectively in matters of interest to them.
  2. To serve as a liaison between the Student Body and the Faculty and Administration.
  3. To represent and investigate all matters or concerns of the Student Body’s interests.
  4. To affiliate with other student governments at state and national levels if and when possible.

Section B:    The Student Senators

  1. No student may be considered eligible for a Student Senate position unless he/she has a 2.0-grade point average at Lake Region State College.
  2. Student Senators shall assume those prescribed or implied powers that enable them to carry out an effective role in representing the diverse student attitude on campus.
  3. In the event of a Student Senate vacancy, the Student Senate shall fill the vacancy by special election or by appointment. If by appointment, the new appointee must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the current total membership of the Student Senate. A vacancy shall be filled within three (3) weeks after the position became vacant.

Section C:    Meetings

  1. The Student Senate shall meet weekly during the academic year and each meeting time and place shall be posted.
  2. Meetings of the Student Senate shall be open to the public.
  3. Quorum at the Student Senate shall consist of a simple majority of the present total Student Senate membership.
  4. Attendance at Student Senate meetings:
    1. All members are required to attend Student Senate meetings.
    2. The Student Senate Vice President shall notify any Student Senator who has three or more unexcused absences.
    3. Failure to attend three (3) or more meetings may be considered by the Student Senate as grounds for impeachment and removal from the Student Senate.

Section D:    Powers and Duties:

  1. The Student Senate shall have the power to approve appointments of all student representatives to standing student and faculty committees by simple majority vote fo the total membership of the Student Senate.
    1. Any Student Senate appointee being considered for removal shall be guaranteed due process.
    2. A resolution for removal is introduced by either the Student Senate President or the chairperson of the committee under whom the appointee is serving.
    3. The appointee shall be notified in writing at least one week prior to the meeting at which the resolution is to be voted on. The right of the appointee to appear before and address the Student Senate prior to the vote shall not be infringed upon.
    4. The Student Senate shall have the power to impeach and remove any of its members by two-thirds (2/3) majority secret ballot vote of the current total membership for a reason deemed necessary by the Student Senate.

Article IV.    Student Senate Committees

  1. The Student Senate President shall have the power to create additional Student Senate Committees. Such committees will be subject to the regulations set forth by the Student Senate.
  2. The Student Senate shall have the authority to provide direction, through resolutions and bylaws, for all Student Senate Committees. All committees operating guidelines or bylaws are subject to approval by the Student Senate.
  3. Any provision in bylaws of any Student Senate committee that is inconsistent with this Constitution is void.

Article V.    Elections
All elections shall follow Lake Region State College Student Senate code of elections.

Article VI.    Limitations of Powers
Section A:    Initiative and Referendum
The Student Body shall have the power to initiate any act within the power of the Student Senate or refer any act of the Student Senate, providing that ten percent of the Student Body sign petitions calling for an election on a bill, which shall be submitted in writing with the petitions to the Student Senate Secretary. The Student Senate President, if he/she determines the petition to be in good order and within the limitations of this Constitution, shall direct the Student Senate to conduct an election on the bill within two (2) weeks after the Student Senate President received that petition before the election. A simple majority of votes cast at the election shall be sufficient to pass the bill.

Section B:    Recall
The Student Body shall have the power to recall the Student Senate President, Student Senate Vice President, Student Senate Secretary, Student Senate Treasure, Student Senate Club Coordinator, Student Senate Parliamentarian, Student Senate Activities Planner, or the Student Senator.

  1. The incumbent has the right to be a candidate and may continue in office until the elections returns have been officially announced.
  2. A majority of the votes cast is necessary to recall the Student Senate Official.

Section C:    Impeachment and Removal from Office

  1. A motion to commence impeachment proceedings against a Student Senate Official shall be represented by two (2) members at a Student Senate Meeting.
  2. Charges against the Student Senate Official shall be stated in a written motion.
  3. Impeachment offenses are:
    1. Poor attendance meaning more than three (3) unexcused absences.
      1. Unexcused meaning missing a Student Senate Meeting without notifying the Student Senate Secretary one (1) day prior to that scheduled meeting.
      2. When removed from office for poor attendance the Student Senate Official may not resume membership for the remainder of that academic year.
    2. Flagrant neglect of duties designated by the Student Senate.
      1. When removed from office for flagrant neglect of duties the Student Senate Official may not resume membership for the remainder of that academic year.
    3. Misconduct at Student Senate Meetings.
      1. When removed from office for misconduct the Student Senate Official may not resume membership for the remainder of that academic year.

Article VII.    Amendment to the Constitution
The Student Body must publish proposed amendments no less than two (2) weeks prior to the vote. An amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the current total membership of the Student Senate.

Article VIII.    Bylaws

  1. The Bylaws shall in no way conflict with the principles set forth by this Constitution.
  2. Changes to the Bylaws may be proposed to the Student Senate.
  3. The Student Senate shall publish proposed changes no less than one week prior to the vote.
  4. To adopt a proposed change, a simple majority vote of those present and voting is necessary.

Article IX.    Approval of the Constitution
This constitution shall become effective upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote to the total membership of the Student Senate and ratification by a simple majority of ballots cast on constitutional issue in a campus-wide election.

This constitution was adopted by the Lake Region State College Student Body and Student Senate on January 26, 2007.


Article I.    Name and Purpose
Section I: The organization shall be known as the Lake Region State College Residence Hall Association, hereafter known as RHA.

Section II: The purpose of the Residence Hall Association shall be to encourage resident educational, social, and personal growth and enhance residence hall life. This association provides an opportunity for student self-governance. The students shall have RHA as their avenue for input into programming and policies and or voicing suggestions and opinions regarding all aspects of resident hall life.

Article II.    Composition and Advisement
Section I: Anyone who lives in the residence halls and pays the dues to RHA is automatically considered a member of RHA.

Section II: The Director of Housing reserves the right to supervise all activities of the RHA. All decisions shall be remanded to the Director of Housing for final approval.

Section III: The Director of Housing may appoint a Resident Director or member of Student Affairs personnel to the position of “advisor” to the RHA meetings as a non-voting member and to participate in all of the proceedings. The Director of Housing may delegate to the Advisor, at his or her discretion, any or all of the powers reserved under Article II, Section II.

Section IV: The business of the RHA shall be conducted by the Executive Board.

Article III.    Composition
Section I: The RHA Executive Board shall be comprised of five (5) members:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary/Treasurer
  4. Advisor
  5. Student Senate Representative

Section II: Election Procedures, at the beginning of each school year, the previous year’s President-elect will call an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the members present will nominate individuals who are willing to accept the position, responsibility and who are qualified for the positions available: Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Student Senate Representative. The individuals nominated will then be asked to leave the room while a small discussion is held. The members will then vote by a secret ballot. Those persons elected will assist with conducting the meeting for the remainder of the year. If the Vice President does not return for a second year, a new President will be elected in like manner.

Article IV.    Removal of Officer
Section I: Any officer of the RHA can be removed from office for scholastic reasons, disciplinary reasons, and lack of attendance to meetings or failure to fulfill appointed duties. Such removal shall require the fulfillment of the following conditions.

  1. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Residence Hall Representatives and Executive Board members
  2. Approval of the Advisor
  3. Approval of the Director of Housing

Article V.    Responsibility of Members
Section I: No student is eligible for election if he or she is currently on academic probation or has been on probation for the immediate past one (1) semester.

Section II: It is the responsibility of the Residents, RHA Executive Board members, and the Resident Assistants to attend all meetings. An Executive Board member who has missed two (2) meetings without an excused absence will be removed from office following the procedure listed under Article IV, Section I.

Article VI.    Duties of Officers
Section I: The President of the RHA shall be responsible for the organization of the RHA, preside at the RHA meeting, call special meetings if necessary, and appoint all committees with the approval of the RHA.  The President shall have a casting vote only in case of a tie vote.

Section II: The Vice President of the RHA shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President.  If both the President and Vice President are absent, the RHA student members shall elect or appoint a temporary presiding officer for the particular meeting.  The Vice President needs to distribute at the meeting an agenda to all members in attendance at the meeting.

Section III: The Secretary/Treasurer of RHA shall be responsible for maintaining an updated version of the constitution of the RHA at all times, and shall be custodian to all other records pertinent to the RHA.  The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for taking the minutes of all meetings and shall present copies of the minutes to the President, Vice President, Student Representative, two (2) to the Advisor, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Student Senate, and to each RD possible. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep accurate books of the RHA and shall reconcile periodically with the Advisor.  The Secretary/Treasurer shall present a current final report at each regular meeting. The outgoing Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for handing over all such records to the Advisor at the end of his or her term in office.

Section IV: The Student Senate Representative will attend Senate meetings.  He or she will present Senate with the required documents to become a recognized club on campus by October and report back to the next regular RHA meeting.  Any member who is also a RA or RD is not permitted to hold office on the Executive Board of RHA.

Article VII.    Meeting for the RHA
Section I: The RHA shall meet regularly at least once each month.  Special meetings may be called at any time by the RHA President and/or Advisor.

Section II: Ten (10) RHA members, including RA’s, shall constitute a quorum.  A quorum is required to transact all business.  

Section III: RHA meetings shall be open to any students who reside on the campus of Lake Region State College. 
