Peace Officer Training graduation Thursday

Lake Region State College will hold graduation ceremonies for its Fall academy class Thursday, December 14th at 1:00 pm in Robert Fawcett Auditorium. This is the 110th class to graduate from LRSC’s Peace Officer Training program.
Nine students have completed the program. Currently, five have been hired with ND law enforcement including two with Devils Lake Police Department, one with Rolette County, one with Traill County, and one in Emmons County. Two are in the hiring process with agencies.
Law enforcement plays a crucial role in maintaining public safety and upholding the rule of law. As society evolves, it becomes increasingly important to encourage more students to consider a career in law enforcement and enroll in police academies. 
“The demand for law enforcement throughout the state and nation continues to grow.  Multiple openings exist throughout the state,” said Lt. John Maritato, director for the LRSC Peace Officer Training program.
An increasing population and complex challenges faced forecasts the demand for law enforcement professionals will continue to rise. 
The next peace officer training program will start at LRSC in January. Summer academies will be held in West Fargo and Grand Forks. Applications are being accepted for all three at
Encouraging students to enter law enforcement and enroll in police academies helps address this demand and ensures a sufficient number of well-trained officers to protect and serve communities effectively.
Lake Region State College began training peace officers in 1987 and has graduated around 2,000 license eligible students since that time.