LRSC to go to remote learning April 4-6

In order to maximize safety during the impending winter storm, Lake Region State College will require most faculty to shift to remote learning beginning Tuesday April 4th.   Faculty at the Devils Lake and Grand Forks AFB locations will shift to asynchronous learning using our learning management system (Blackboard) for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (April 4-6).  During this time, faculty may upload lectures, give assignments, collect homework, adhere to due dates, and interact remotely without requiring synchronous attendance.  Faculty will communicate specific expectations for each course with students through email.
Nursing students will receive instructions and expectations for learning and attendance from Nursing Department Chair Karen Clementich.  Synchronous learning may be required for nursing students and any absence must be communicated in advance.  Students in the Peace Officer Training Program are required to follow the instructions for participation and expectations from Lt. Maritato.  Student athletes should look for communications from their coach and the athletic director regarding the status of their game schedule, travel, and practice.  

The Devils Lake and Grand Forks AFB campus will be closed beginning Tuesday April 4, 2023 and reopen for business (staff/administration) on Monday April 10th at 7:45 am.   In person classes at these location will resume on Tuesday morning April 11th.  

Staff and administrators with the ability to work remotely are expected to perform essential work only during this closure.  To ensure responsiveness, please check email periodically, respond to messages as you are able, and let your supervisor know how you can be reached.  Essential work could require remote attendance at necessary statewide, NDUS, or task force meetings if your absence could hinder the institution or delay the transfer of important information to the campus.  Please work with your supervisor should you have questions in this regard.

Stay safe everyone!